
2019年10月10日—Theconfigyoupostedisfineandshouldworkinround-robinbalancemode.However,asyoumentioned,yoursecondwebserverishavingissues ...,2023年8月7日—Howtomakenginxtoproxytothesameinstancemultipleportsusingloadbalancingupstream...Ihaveanappthatuses2backendports.Iuse ...,TostartusingNGINXPlusorNGINXOpenSourcetoloadbalanceHTTPtraffictoagroupofservers,firstyouneedtodefinethegroupwiththeupstream ...

How do I setup nginx for multiple upstream and load ...

2019年10月10日 — The config you posted is fine and should work in round-robin balance mode. However, as you mentioned, your second webserver is having issues ...

How to make nginx to proxy to the same instance multiple ...

2023年8月7日 — How to make nginx to proxy to the same instance multiple ports using load balancing upstream ... I have an app that uses 2 backend ports. I use ...

HTTP Load Balancing

To start using NGINX Plus or NGINX Open Source to load balance HTTP traffic to a group of servers, first you need to define the group with the upstream ...

Module ngx_http_upstream_module

Defines a group of servers. Servers can listen on different ports. In addition, servers listening on TCP and UNIX-domain sockets can be mixed. Example: upstream ...

multiple upstream groups in nginx.conf

2022年5月8日 — Nginx beginner's questions: are multiple upstream definitions allowed in the config, e.g: upstream backendA server host1:443; } upstream ...

Multiple upstream servers

It is also possible to configure NGINX to pass the request to more than one upstream server. This is done by declaring an upstream context, ...

Nginx Configuration with multiple port apps on same ...

Nginx Configuration with multiple port apps on same domain, with SSL ... I chose port 3000. upstream app_geoforce . server;. } upstream ...

Setting up nginx for multiple upstreams and load balancing

2023年6月5日 — How do I setup nginx for multiple upstream and load balancing?, Is there a way to configure Nginx to broadcast incoming requests to multiple ...

Use nginx upstream group with multiple ports

2016年12月29日 — Use nginx upstream group with multiple ports ... Using that configuration nginx -t throws: upstream production may not have port 1234 and ...